Image Guided Interventions Melissa Motzkin Image Guided Interventions Melissa Motzkin

Augmented reality improves procedural efficiency and reduces radiation dose for CT-guided lesion targeting: a phantom study using HoloLens 2.

Augmented reality (AR)-assisted navigation using HoloLens 2 enables direct targeting of lesion. virtual needle guide projected onto the phantom. Registration is visually confirmed with the actual CT gridlines aligned with the virtual gridlines. The needle is seen aligned with the virtual guide (purple line) displaying the ideal trajectory to the target lesion (green ball). Park et al., Scientific Reports 2020.

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Image Guided Interventions Melissa Motzkin Image Guided Interventions Melissa Motzkin

MR Imaging Enables Real-Time Monitoring of In Vitro Electrolytic Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

T2-weighted MR imaging enables real-time imaging of electrolytic ablation. Axial imaging of RPMI tissue culture medium and low-melting temperature agarose gel demonstrated the evolution of hypointense regions surrounding the anode and cathode after a 10 V, 360 second ablation. Stein et al., JVIR. 2020.

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